Ferokura Novel

I Married My Little Step-Sister, Who I Don't Get Along With. In a Game.


My parents remarried when I was in middle school.
And because of that, I have a little stepsister now.

Her name is Hoshikawa Aya.

...And she's also the reason why I can no longer read a light novel with a little sister as its heroine.

This little stepsister is... not cute at all! No, I expected a real life little sister to be like this, but she's just awful!

When we started living together, I tried to reach out to her in my own way, and she responded, "Die, creep, don't talk to me", you know?

Even now that we are in high school, the distance between Aya and me has not changed. In fact, it may have gotten worse.

For example, she will click her tongue when we passed by each other in a corridor.
She will glare at me if I make eye contact with her.

Perhaps, our relationship will stay like this for the rest of our life, is what I was thinking. If that what she is thinking, I have no intention of getting closer to her either.

I had no intention of getting involved with Aya for the rest of my life.

Yes, that was the way it was supposed to be, but right now...
We were facing each other with our phones in our hands.

Aya was staring at me in a daze, wearing a stylish outfit.
The place was in front of the station.

Aya's cheek were drawn back and looks like as if it was twitching,
And I think I also did the same as her.

"Aniki... You're kidding, aren't you? No way, you're not Hutt-sama, are you?"
"...That's supposed to be my line. Aya, you are not... Sai-chan, are you?"

Silence enveloped both of us.
...Hutt is the name of my avatar in the VRMMORPG I'm playing.
And Sai is... the name of the girl I married in the game.

Sai was someone I had been playing with since I was in middle school until now.

...The other day, they asked me to meet them in real life, so I had no choice but to come and see them, and the result is what you see now.

There was no point staying silent like this. So I decided to lash out.

"The hell? You act different in real life than you are in the game!"
"That's my line! Aniki is also completely different in the game and in real life!"
"S-shut up! You are so graceful and cute in the game! I would have never guessed you were Sai-chan!"
"That's my line again! In the game, you were so dependable, you showed leadership, you were so strong, you were always protecting me and helping me!"

After shouting that much, we both buried our faces in shame.
...Ah, crap, I've just revealed what I usually thought of Sai-chan.

Sai-chan is a real cutie! I didn't expect such a violent little stepsister to pop out when I opened the lid. That's like opening a Pandora's box.

Aya, whose face had turned bright red, scrunched up her lips, then... glanced at me.

"...hey, Aniki."
"Are you going to buy... Arms Never Online 2?"
"...That's, the plan."

...The VRMMORPG we are playing right now is about to release its 2nd edition.
We got married in the game and asked if we could meet in real life, all with the intention of having a meeting to play the game together in its next edition.

...I didn't expect this outcome at all, though.
I feel so awkward right now.
Because even though we are avatars in a game, we are married and we even kissed.
If I think about it, I feel extremely embarrassed!

"A-Aniki, you're not thinking about our we-, w-w-w-w-wedding right now, are you!?"
"How did you know?"
"Because I was! N-no... D-don't remind me, you idiot! And, why did you kissed me?"
"I refused it! But, you said 'Please kiss me..." to me." "AAAAAAAAAHHHH!! Stop! It's not because Aniki is my partner, it's because it's normally an embarrassing memory, you idiot! Don't say another word!"

Aya grabs my arm and starts shaking it around.
We both close our mouths and take a deep breath.

"I'm going back to... See you later."

Aya grabbed my arm, squeezing it.
As I looked at her very dissatisfied face, Aya looked at me with her lips pouting.

"Aniki... Do you know my position at school's caste?"
"...What's with you all of a sudden?"
"Unlike Aniki, I live at the top of the school caste and I need a break."

Yeah, yeah. I'm at the bottom of the school caste, so I don't need a break.

"...So, what?"

If you want to rub some salts in my wounds, you're going to have to end it there. I've already lost a lot of HP here.

Aya was scratching her cheeks in a more docile manner than usual.

"I don't know anyone around me who plays those... you know, online games that are more for otaku, and guys, too. ...And it's hard to invite someone to play with me."

What do you mean by for otaku?

This +17-rated online game certainly has a lot of female characters exposing a lot of skin.
There are a lot of moe characters, but that doesn't mean people should go so far as to say they are for otaku.

"...So what's your point?"
"...Be my gaming friend."

Her face turns bright red and I am sure she glares at me.
She pointed her finger at me sternly without changing her bossy attitude.

"As my gaming friend... As Hutt-sama from now on you'll! You'll treat me as if you are Hutt-sama!"

What the hell is she talking about?

"What the-! Screw you...! I can't role-play like that now that I know you're my sister!"
"Stop complaining and just do it! Hutt-sama's looks and personality, he's just my type! I love him so much I don't know how many times I've seen him in my dreams!"

I'm sure anyone can just create the same looking character, right!?
I retorted back at my little stepsister who was being ridiculous.

"If that's the case, you should also treat me just how Sai-chan is in the game! I like you so much I want to call you my wife!"
"Haaaa!? I-I can't do it! I can't treat Aniki like that!"
"Then, I refuse to do it, too! Don't think you're the only one who can get away with it, you idiot!"

Good! Nicely avoided!
There is no way I can treated her just like how Hutt treated her in the game!
And just as I was thinking that, Aya started to growl.

"....Kuuuuuh! All right! I'll act like Sai-chan! So, you act like Hutt-sama, too! Okay!?"
"...A-are you serious!?"
"Of course I am! A man doesn't go back on his word, right?!"

...I-is she being serious?
Aya had made her point, and I couldn't back down.

"...I-I understand."

"Hmph," Aya sniffed out.
... Then we started walking straight home.
The initial plan was to have dinner at a nearby restaurant, but we decided not to do that.

"...Then, I'll register your contact information as Aya Hoshikawa."

I had exchanged phone numbers so I could meet up with Aya.
What I didn't realize at this point was that our relationship were so bad we never exchanged our contact before.

"...Hmm, then I'll register your name as Hoshikawa Hayato, (Stupid Aniki)"
"Then, I'll register your name as Hoshikawa Aya, (The Idiot Who Forced Me To Kiss Her At A Game Wedding)"
"D-do you want me to kill you, baka Aniki!? Then I'll change your into Hoshikawa Hayato (A Psycho Who Think He's Cool And Strong)!"
"S-shut up! Let's just our normal name, okay?"
"...Yeah, right. I don't to deepen our wound any more than this."

We exhaled lightly, then headed home.

...I never thought I would be involved with my little stepsister in this way.
What is going to happen to my life from now.