Ferokura Novel

I'm the Only One Who Knows the Villainess's True Feeling


"I'd love to be a villainess.”
Suddenly, a high-pitched voice echoes through the literature room.
I turn my eyes away from the light novel I'm reading toward her.

Her hair beautiful, reminiscent a person with long, golden hair. Her slightly upturned nose is adorable. Additionally, her facial features are well-defined, making her face very pretty. According to her, her grandfather is French, which explains her quarter-French heritage.

Unfortunately, her stunning black eyes are obscured by a pair of big, round glasses. Her glasses are a bit too plain, which in turn also makes her look plain.

And that was her, Oonishi Sanae.

"What's with your fascination toward villainess?"
"That's because I can live my life however I want, you know? That's my reason."
"But in the end, your fate will only lead you to your death, right?"
"Ah, Akira-kun, you are so naive. Even a villainess can turn their fate around, you know?"
"You're thinking of those light novel cliches, right? The 'reincarnated villainess' thing. But are they really the real deal?"
"You're so unromantic, Akira-kun..."

Seeming to feel unsatisfied with my answer, Oonishi gazed down at the light novel she was reading, looking upset.

Oh, dear. I've angered the literature girl.

She's usually so laid-back, and it's rare to see her get angry like this.

This isn't the time for that, I should be comforting her instead.

"But, I like you just the way you are, Oonishi-san."
"Well, as a friend, of course."

Oonishi-san's face turned slightly red as she looked away, returning her gaze to the light novel she was reading.

And then, she quietly mumbled "Thanks" in return.

If she took off her glasses, she'd be incredibly beautiful, but it's a shame she hides behind them like this.

Still, it had never occurred to me that Oonishi-san would have a thing for villainess.

I look at the light novel in my hands.

It's a story about Isabelle, one of the characters.

The title is 'Isabelle, the Villainous Noblewoman, is a Total Mess'.

She's a villainous noblewoman who's also a character that people can't help but feel envious of.

She's a typical villainous noblewoman, cruel to the commoners and abusive to the heroine, Alice. In modern term, what she's doing is called moral harassment. Normally, she'd get what's coming to her, losing her status and getting bullied by everyone... but...

Her attitude drastically change after she undergoes a transmigration.

She comes to love the commoners and despise the corrupt nobles, eventually becoming friends with the heroine.

The princes, bewildered by the villainous noblewoman's sudden change in personality, ended up falling in love with her.

Well, it's a pretty standard trope for villainess type of story, after all.

This pattern is also popular on novel sharing sites, where it's a favorite among readers.

I'm one of those person, which is why I love reading light novel.

I think that this classic approach is not for the author, but for the reader.

"Hey, Akira-kun."

Oonishi suddenly talks to me.

I close my book and turn my head toward her.

"What is it, Oonishi-san?"
"If... I become a villainess, will you come to help me?"

Oonishi-san gazes at me with her large eyes.

Her expression seems to hold a hint of sadness.

So, my answer is this.

"Of course. I'll definitely help you."
"Thank you, Ariaki-kun."

Oonishi-san giggles and smiles, seemingly feeling satisfied.

That expression seemed to suit her the most.

My heart skipped a beat, and I felt a strange fluttering sensation.

To hide my embarrassment, I decided to open my book and continue reading.

Today's club activity was the same as yesterday's - reading.

We were supposed to write a book report in our notebooks, and that was the end of it.

Then, we quietly wrapped up our club activity.


The next day, I headed to school as usual.

However, the area in front of the school gate seemed noisier than usual.

As I turned my gaze, I heard a voice that sounded like someone was yelling at others in a high-handed manner.

I wondered what was going on, and as I approached the school gate, I couldn't hide my surprise.

That's because the villainous noblewoman was standing there, looking dignified.

"Hey, are you Akira Yuuta?"
"N-no, that's not me"
"Oh, really? Then I have no business with you"

She was asking this to the students passing through the school gate.

The students were feels uncomfortable around her, and decides to stay away from her.

Akira Yuuta is my name, by the way. And it seems like she's looking for me.

But what's going on? Did a villainess somehow wandered into the real world?

The villainess from the novel I'm reading yesterday is somehow in front of the school gate, calling my name.

What in the world is going on here?

I was thinking to myself, and my eyes met hers.

"Hey, are you Akira Yuuta?"
"Y-yes, I am."

When I answered her, she smiled as if she had finally found what she was looking for.

"I finally found you. Seriously, I don't know what's what anymore."
"Uhm. What do you mean?"
"I'd like to know too. I don't know what's what anymore..."

She replied, crossing her arms.

Her face still looked like she was on the verge of tears, and I panicked.

"H-hey, let's go over there a bit." "Eh, W-what!?"

I led her away and circled around to the back of the school building, where we wouldn't be seen.

I looked around to make sure no one was there, and when I was certain we were alone, I let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey, you're being obnoxious. Dragging a lady around like that."

"Hmph," the villainess snorted.

The person standing in front of me right now is none other than the villainess, Isabelle de Duhahn.

The character from the light novel I read yesterday is standing right in front of me.

Can such an unrealistic thing happen?

Wait, calm down. I need to confirm her identity.

"I just want to make sure, you're Isabelle de Duhahn, right?"
"Yes, that's correct. And please, don't call me by my first name so casually. I have pride, too."
"Then, what should I call you?"
"Just Isabelle is fine."
"Got it. Isabelle."

I took a deep breath and then asked her to confirm,

"Why are you here, I mean, at Seishō School?"

She puts her hand to her chin as if she was thinking and replied.

"I woke up this morning in a stranger's bed. There was a notebook on the desk, and it had instructions on how to get here and to meet you, Akira Yuuta."
"Can I see that notebook?"
"Yes, here it is."

Isabelle takes a notebook out of her bag and hands it to me.

As I take it, I stare at the cover of the notebook.

The name "Oonishi Sanae" is written on it.

What's going on? Why does Isabelle have Oonishi-san's notebook?

When I open the notebook, I see that it's written in Oonishi-san's handwriting.

It starts by stating that she goes to school under the name Oonishi Sanae. The route to school is described in detail, as well as her daily school life, including her schedule.

Finally, it says that if she has any trouble, she should ask Akira Yuuta for help.

"I don't know why, but my parents? And some people too, but they call me Sanae, and other people call me Oonishi too. What's going on? Who is Oonishi Sanae?"

...I've figured it out.

I've discovered something I shouldn't know.

It's that Isabelle and Oonishi-san have switched places. It is not a reincarnation into another world, but a reincarnation into the present world.

But is such an unrealistic thing even possible?

Then, where did Oonishi-san disappear to?

My mind is filled with question marks.

But thinking about it won't solve anything. The problem now is how Isabelle will navigate this school life.

"For now, let's change shoes. Then, let's head to class. I'll guide you to your seat, and if you just sit there quietly, there shouldn't be any problems."
"Are you planning to torture me?"
"No, we're just going to attend class. By the way, how much knowledge do you have?"
"Class? Well, of course I know English. I also know French."
"What about math and social studies?"
"Social studies? What's that class?"
"...I'm sorry I asked. Sorry. For now, when we have social studies class, just sit quietly and listen to the lesson."

 Come to think of it, I think Oonishi-san was also not good at social studies class.

But that's not important right now.

What's more important is that we need to get through today.

"What is this 'physical education' class? It says to change clothes and come here."

...Damn it. Today's the joint physical education class.

I think it's a volleyball lesson.

I doubt weak Isabelle can even hit a spike, but...

Screw it! There's no time to think about that now! My role today is to support Isabelle in having a smooth school life!

"Listen, for today, you are Oonishi Sanae. No matter what anyone says, you are Oonishi Sanae!"
"H-eh? Isn't that rude? Suddenly saying something like that..."
"It's written right here in the notebook, isn't it? You're supposed to be called Oonishi Sanae."
"Oh, that's true."

Isabelle looks at the notebook I'm holding out and seems to accept it.

But what was Oonishi thinking when she wrote this notebook?

It's as if she knew in advance that she would be reincarnated into a different world.

"Anyway, just attend the classes. I'll meet you after school!"
"Why do I have to follow your orders?"
"Just do it like what the notebook says, okay? That's all!"

Despite not being convinced by my persuasion, Isabelle seemed to reluctantly understand the benefits of following the notebook, and she nodded her head in acceptance.

From now on, Isabelle and I will be accomplice.

All we need to do is make sure that those around us think that Isabelle is actually Oonishi-san who has undergone a drastic change, rather than the real Isabelle.


And so, I brought Isabelle and had her sit next to Oonishi-san, attending the class while feeling nervous and anxious.

I could only pray that the teacher wouldn't call on Oonishi-san.

But my worries turned out to be unnecessary.

Because Isabelle also vaguely understands that she is Oonishi, and not just following a script but moving according to her notes.

The problem is the joint physical education class.

A joint class for boys and girls. It's a volleyball lesson.

I decided to join the same team as much as possible to support her.

And then, the whistle for the start of the game blown.

She stood there, holding the ball, doing nothing.

I asked her if I should whisper something to her.

"Please don't call me by that name."
"...Isabelle-san. Do you know how to play volleyball?"
"That's a silly question. I just need to hit this ball towards the opponent, right?"

...No, that's dodgeball.

"Time out! Oonishi-san seems to have forgotten the rules, so please give us a moment!"

As I made a loud announcement, everyone tilted their heads in confusion.

However, since it was just a short break of about one minute, no one complained.

I leaned in and whispered to Isabelle.

"Volleyball is a game where you win by getting the ball into the opponent's court."
"I-I understand. I just need to get the ball in, right?"
"Y-Yes, that's correct."

Did Isabelle understand? She prepared herself with the ball.

And once again, the whistle blown.

"We're going for a rally, Isabelle-san."
"Y-Yes, I understand."

Isabelle raises the ball high up in the air. And then, with a swift motion, it soars high...

"Here I go!"

She successfully executed a beautiful smash.

The ball cleanly hit the blind spot of the opponent's court, scoring a point.

"Ohoho. It's nothing, really."

As Isabelle bursts into laughter, everyone gathers around her.

"Wow, that was amazing! Oonishi-san, you can play volleyball?"
"I think that's the first time I've seen such a beautiful serve. Oonishi-san, you can play volleyball?"
"Wow, that was cool. Oonishi-san."
"Ohoho. You can praise me more if you'd like."

Yes, it seems that my worries were unnecessary.

She understands volleyball perfectly. Come to think of it, in the story, Isabelle was described as having excellent athletic abilities.

Could it be that Isabelle herself has been reincarnated in the present world?

After school, I headed to Oonishi's class to pick up Isabelle.

There, Isabelle was surrounded by a crowd of people.

Apparently, she had become extremely popular after the volleyball game, and it was because she had a personality that was the complete opposite of Oonishi's.

The Oonishi Sanae I know is an introverted person.

In other words, she's not good at socializing, so she escaped into the world of books by joining the literature club.

She's not the type of person who's good at making small talk. This is probably because, just like her personality, she's not Oonishi Sanae, but Isabelle de Duhahn.

Oonishi-san... no, Isabelle was chatting with everyone around her.

She was acting like an extroverted person.

"Can Oonishi-san solve this problem?"
"Oh, if it's up to me, this problem will be solved in a blink-blink of time. The answer is like this, you see."
"Ah, thank you! I was able to solve it thanks to Oonishi-san!"

I was a little unsure whether I should interrupt the conversation or not.

In that moment I hear a certain group of people talking.

"Is Oonishi-san usually this fun to talk to?"
"I don't know, I had a misunderstanding about Oonishi-san. I thought she was an introvert."
"It's like she's a completely different person, isn't it, Oonishi-san?"

...It's as if she's become a completely different person.

That's true. Who would believe it if I said that the villainess had suddenly reincarnated?

But, I see. That's how it is.

Isabelle was reborn like this...

As I stood there, lost in thought, Isabelle seemed to notice me and bid farewell to everyone around her.

"Everyone, I must take my leave. My servant is waiting for me."
"Servant? Ah, you mean Akira-kun from the same club?"
"If you're keeping your boyfriend waiting, it can't be helped."
"N-no, he's not my boyfriend. He's a very important person to me."

She blushed and replied, and as soon as she did, everyone turned to face her, and they all whistling and teasing her.

"Well, we won't bother you two anymore. Take care."

As soon as one person said that, everyone else seemed to sense the atmosphere and left the scene. They all rushed out of the room and into the hallway.

Only Isabelle and I were left behind.

"Uh, sorry about that..."
"It's alright. I'm a bit tired too. I didn't think I'd be talking that much..."
"Want to head to the club now?"
"Yes, let's go to the literature room."

With that said, Isabelle picked up her belongings and walked towards me.

I started walking slightly behind, but she continued walking forward, heading towards the literature room without hesitation.

When we arrived at the literature room, Isabelle sat down in an empty chair and scrunched up her face.

It's a strange, refreshing feeling. Having the villainess right in front of me like this.

"Ah, school is quite exhausting, isn't it?"
"Well, as students, our role is to study after all."
"In my previous world, there was no learning like this."
"Really? But you answered the math questions just fine, didn't you?"
"That's...I wonder why? Why was I able to understand the word 'mathematics'?"

I sit down across from Isabelle, who is tilting her head in confusion.

To be honest, I think she might already be aware of it, but I say:

"Let's stop pretending, Isabelle. No, I mean, Oonishi-san."
"What are you talking about?"
"You're actually Oonishi Sanae, right? Not Isabelle, but just pretending to be her? Or maybe it's more accurate to say you have a split personality?"

I recall the story of Jekyll and Hyde.

The tale of a doctor with a split personality, Jekyll and Hyde, who have completely opposite personalities.

This is exactly what Oonishi-san is.

"W-what are you talking about? I am Isabelle de Duhahn, the eldest daughter of the noble Duhahn family, proudly..."
"That's just a setting, a story. The Duhahn family doesn't exist, and neither does the concept of being reborn in a different world."
"You think I'm just making it all up, don't you?"
"Yeah, because... "

I point my finger at Isabelle, no, Oonishi-san, and say:

"How did you know we were in the literature club?"

That's right. The notebook had our class schedule written in it, but there was no mention of our after-school activities. There was no mention of the literature club.

And yet, she arrived here without hesitation.

I deliberately walked slightly behind her, but she walked ahead without any hesitation.

"I am... Isabelle."
"If that's the case, then you should be able to prove it, right?"
"Prove it?"
"Yesterday night, what did you eat?"

Isabelle's face contorts in a difficult expression.

That's right. If she were the real Isabelle, there's no way she's unable to answer such a simple question.

But there's a reason she can't answer.

It's because this "The Villaiess Isabelle is a Mess" doesn't have any depictions of dining tables.

It's a common problem in isekai stories. No mention about food culture.

Because there's no need to depict such things.

"I have golden eyes, remember?
"Those are just contact lenses, right?"

Isabelle... no, Oonishi-san looks down.

Her wig slips off with a "plop".

I see, so her hairstyle is also held in place with a wig.

That makes sense, she's a quarter foreigner, so her features resemble Isabelle's. If she had taken off her glasses and fixed the wig, she could have transformed into that villainess Isabelle.

As Onishi-san starts crying, I gently stroke her head.

"I... no, I admired the villainess. I thought that if I could become the villainous lady, school life would be more fun."
(*She's using watakushi when she act as a villainess, then back to using watashi.)
"But wasn't it tough? Trying to act like a villainess when you're not used to it?
"...Yeah. It was tough."

Oonishi-san, with tears spilling down her face, is no longer the villainess, but just a single, ordinary girl.

I sit down in front of her, trying to encourage her.

"I like the usual Oonishi-san. I prefer the real Oonishi-san and not the villainess."
"...Is that so?"
"Yeah. I find the real Oonishi-san to be more charming than the villainess. I like the book-loving, knowledgeable you, that's my type."

I smile at her.

I know many of Oonishi-san's charms. She's not good with words, but she's more hardworking than anyone else. That's why she tried so hard to become the villainous lady.

But that's pretending to be someone she's not.

It's not something that's enjoyable.

Not having the ability to love oneself is a sad thing.

I had been trying to love Oonishi-san for who she truly is.

"Oonishi-san... no, Sanae. I like you just the way you are. Will you listen to my confession this time?"
"T-th... that's unfair, Akira-kun."

Sanae's face turns bright red as she laughs through her tears.

I try to hold onto Sanae, not letting her escape. No one ever acknowledged her, that's why she became Isabelle.

So, I'll be the one to acknowledge her, to be the existence that affirms her.

"So, Sanae, what's your answer to my confession..."
"...Yes. I'd be delighted."

Sanae took my outstretched hand.

And with that, Sanae's days of pretending to be the villainess came to an end after just one day.

The next day, she returned to being her usual introverted self. But everyone who knew about what happened the day before started treating her differently. Sanae also occasionally put on the act of being the villainess, or taught her classmates about her studies, and gradually became more comfortable in her class.

"Hey, Yuuta-kun"
"What is it? Sanae"

After-school club activities. In the literature room, we were engaged in our usual reading activities when Sanae called out to me.

I closed my book and turned my face towards her, wondering why she had called me over.

"If I become the villainess again, will you help me?"
"What, a question like that..."

I said a dumbfounded remark, get up from my seat, and walk over to her.

And then, I gently stroke her head with my hand.

"Isn't that obvious? I'll definitely help you again."

I replied with a smile.

"Hm-hmph, as expected of my loyal servant."

Sanae, or rather Isabelle, snorted and turned her attention to the book she was reading.

It seems that she still can't give up her longing to be a villainess.

But even if she becomes a villainess, I will not abandon her. Because, after all, the villainess is just one aspect of her personality.